DetectPro Fall Management System


DetectPro Fall Management System

High credibility device alert patients exit


In Hong Kong, each year among the elderly aged 65 and over, has about one in five people will have a fall. Among 75% will be injured, including head trauma and fractures. Elders who have fallen in the past six months, the risk of falling in the next few months will be higher than others. Fall is preventable, it is not an inevitable process of aging. In fact, there are no device can ensure the person will not fall, however an alarm is very useful by alerting the caregiver that the patient is ‘getting up’ from a bed or chair. The Alert (or Alarm) is the signal to respond towards the patient and determine if help is needed. Warmcare offers the widest range of options that helps in avoiding or preventing falls and solutions for cubicle situation, to cover different situation and patient needs.
Warmcare dare to meet challenge and imagine the future with you together, strive to provide the comprehensive and the simplest solution for you to meet your ideal goals.



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